Family-Owned Business
We are a small, family owned and operated farm! Our goal is to offer our community the opportunity to have the healthiest and freshest food options right here in Kasilof and to aid in our community's food security by providing a variety of options with many being available year round.

ABOUT Rafter M Farm
We are the Millers. My husband, Travis and I (Christina) have owned and operated a residential construction company here on the Kenai Peninsula for over 20 years. We have raised our 4 sons in this community and taught them a self-sustainable way of life. Three of our boys still live in the area and help on the farm.
We have always grown a large garden and processed it for winter consumption. We raised dairy goats for over a decade before switching to dairy cattle. I enjoy making cheeses and butter and also use milk for soap making. We own 40 acres that we graze our small herd of beef and dairy cattle on in the summer. We chose the Highland breed because they are a docile, friendly breed that our family really enjoys. They are extraordinarily winter hardy, great browsers of the wooded areas and wonderful mothers. We typically sell highland heifer calves at weaning and keep all our steer calves to grow out for the following fall's beef. We also purchase weaned Angus steers to grow out for some larger beef.
Our lead dairy cow is a registered Jersey and produces A2A2 milk. We also have three Jersey cross cows that all produce A2A2 milk. We breed them for early summer calves and have milk shares available mid-summer through the winter. We have 2 new up and coming heifers in the dairy line that will be in production June 2025. Get on our wait-list now to get the freshest, tastiest milk this summer
We raise a large flock of laying hens and turkeys that free range our property and provide lots of beautiful, healthy eggs and on occasion a few chicks and poults.
Our son Connor raises Berkshire cross pigs. He raises his pigs on a no corn and no soy diet and has piglets and pork available a couple of times a year.
I start all my own plants from no GMO seed and plant a large outdoor garden and a 2300 sq ft hightunnel that I fill with tomatoes, cucumbers, melons and much more. I sell a limited number of plant starts in the spring, and after processing what my family needs out of the garden, I offer surplus produce to the community. We have an aspiring orchard of apple and cherry trees with our small apiary of bees nestled among them.
I enjoy foraging the wooded parts of our property and collecting berries, mushrooms and medicinal herbs. I Make herbal blended milk soaps that are available for sale on the farm or through website.